Arden Progressive School

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The Student Council


``Peace is not made at the council table or by treaties, but in the hearts of men.``-- Herbert Hoover

Arden Progressive School Lamachaur has a well - established system of prefectorial body which assists the management in smooth functioning of the school.

Mission of School Council

At Arden Progressive School, we try to instill the values of self motivation, Self- confidence and sensibility within all our students.

The goals of student empowerment, development of leadership skills and community feeling are achieved through the students' council.


  1. To develop good citizens.
  2. To foster communication among students, administrators, staff and the community.
  3. Promoting social awareness.
  4. To provide a forum for students' expression.
  5. To develop future leaders and entrepreneurs.
  6. To plan special events, projects, charity, school celebration and special occasion.


Some of the positions of responsibility assigned to the students at Arden Progressive School are as under:

1.     Head Boy

2.     Head Girl

3.     Sports Captain

4.     Cultural Captain

5.     Prefects (Four)

6.     Discipline in-charge

7.     School Academic in-charge

8.     School Cleanliness in-charge

9.     House Captain (One each for four houses)

10.  House Vice-Captains (One each for four houses)









Why Choose Our School?

Highly Skilled and Dedicated Faculty, Individual Attention to Each Child, Best Facilities, Modern Teaching Methodologies, Environment Friendly Measures.

Scholarship Facility

As a part of its CSR Programs, our School offers various kinds of scholarships and financial aids to meritorious and needy students.

Skilled Lecturers

We offer services of highly qualified & dedicated team of teachers, always willing to support our students academically and emotionally.

Book Library & Store

Our school has a well-stocked library with a rich collection of Books, Magazines and Periodicals.