Teaching Methodology

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” ? William Arthur Ward
Arden Progressive School provides world class facilities to the students. The learning needs of each student are met in an environment that is supportive and affirming.The school has a dedicated faculty of highly qualified and efficient teachers who use modern techniques of teaching.
Our teaching methodology seeks to coach and facilitate students’ learning and overall comprehension of the course material. The evaluation of a child’s progress is done through both formal and informal forms of assessments which include group projects, student portfolios and class participation.
Advancements in technology have propelled the education sector in the last few decades. Internet is beneficial in a classroom setting as it provides unlimited resources. For this the school has provided facilities of Wi-Fi enabled classrooms. Teachers access the internet in order to connect students with people and events around the world.
Highlights of the Arden Teaching Methodology:
- Experiential learning techniques which span Multiple Intelligences, firmly rooted in our belief that every child is unique and all children can learn.
- Clear objectives-based approach to teaching, learning and assessments, focusing on building 21st century skills of Communication, Critical thinking, Collaboration and Creativity.
- Differentiated instruction enabling educators to cater to the needs of learners in multifaceted ways.
- Collaborative Learning and Project-Based Learning Strategies applied across all curricular subjects.
- Developing Inter-disciplinary links across subject areas and grade levels, making cross-curricular learning relevant for the students.
- Professional counseling sessions by visiting experts.
Key features of Arden Progressive School’s Methodology
A. Student-Centered Approach to Learning
Best Academic and Behavioral improvement in every child is achieved through a smaller teacher-Students Ratio of around 1:20 with Digital interactive (Smart) classes in every class which helps in ensuring individual attention to all the students.
The teachers stay connected with students not only in school but at home also to channelize their energies in the right direction with customized special attention.
- Customized Attention for Each Individual Child:
- Unique Adoption Policy for Students:
- Teachers’ weekly interaction with the Parents:
PTMs are conducted on regular intervals for a better diagnostic assessment of the students. Also, Parents are free to meet and interact the teachers every Saturday to discuss the progress of their ward.
B. Infusion of Technology
Students of today’s digital era are losing interest in classrooms that are not technologically equipped. Their learning curve is peaking with their exposure to various other learning platforms outside a traditional classroom setup. The school is equipped with smart boards in each class room which makes the learning experience more interactive & interesting.
- Smart classrooms:
- Hi-tech computer Lab:
To live up to the demands of the modern techno- savvy world, the School offers a well-built Computer Lab fitted with more than 40 computers with internet facilities. The New Education Policy - 2020 proposes to introduce the concept of ‘Coding’ as early as Class VI, the need for an efficient technology-based education system is being felt like never before. Our school is focused on strengthening our computer system further so that customized and personal attention can be paid to each student.
C. Thinking-Based Learning
Beyond the debate around the effectiveness of learning by memorizing facts and data when discussing education, one of the most talked about aspects is the need to show students how to work with the information they receive at school. Teach them to conceptualize, analyze, relate and argue .The School endeavors to achieve:
- Development of critical thinking and creative skills.
- Improvement of problem solving abilities.
- Increased student motivation.
- Better knowledge sharing in challenging situations.
D. Cooperative Learning approach:
Arden Progressive School stresses upon developing social traits in the students for which it follows team- based learning that focuses on using group projects and collaborative learning to meet a learning objective. The teachers incorporate individual accountability to ensure equal participation of the students.
Teachers initiate discussions and brainstorming to foster positive discourse so students learn how to formulate questions, ask the right questions and use the information to solve problem.
To achieve holistic development of students, many clubs have been organised for the students. Some of the the clubs are : Kalam Club (Science), Satyarthi Club (G.K), Rehman Club (Music),Shanti Niketan Club (Arts) etc.
Arden Progressive makes use of the following nomenclatures for various age categories of students:
A.Delighted Souls (Play Group To Upper Kindergarten)
At pre-primary stage, we aim to create interest for books and activity amongst the children. The focus shifts in preparing children to express their views clearly and confidently about any language, person, object, place and structure by analyzing and exploring them at primary stage.
B. Desiring Individuals (Grade 1 To 5)
At this stage, the emphasis is placed on oral and written expressions allowing children to apply knowledge, experiment and practice. The syllabus is designed to nurture a sense of appreciation, desire and engagement towards literature, numerical ability and scientific thinking and life skills.
C.Analytical Thinkers (Grade 6 to 8)
At this stage, we aspire to bring academic excellence and all-round personality development among our students. Our emphasis is on how to learn rather than what to learn. We aim to make our students analyze the work they are doing which will make them independent and choose the right career to design their own future.