Arden Progressive School

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Manager`s Message

Education in the present scenario has various meanings attached to it.

1. In my opinion, the word educate is to empower the minds of children, people who are undergoing this process to add a customised value to their real life existence. This value can be accessed in various modes i.e. materialistic wealth, spiritual well-being, creative and imaginative approach and the satisfaction incurred out of it by an individual, societal recognition and many more ways. Well, it is the culture, surrounding, environment and educational upbringing which enlightens one to choose from the above forms as per his/her interests and likings.

The formation of Arden Progressive School is laid down on the parameters that every child is paid customized attention so that individually the child can be nurtured in the best possible manner for a holistic qualitative development imbibing a strong deep rooted value system as well as practical knowledge in the child to deal with the current scenarios of the world.

2. Education is an optimistically driven outcome of constructive minds. Today education should not only be limited to imparting knowledge because then, only teaching takes place without learning whereas learning is the real form of education. Child centric education involving parents – teachers – mentors and school together hand in hand, is one of the utmost necessary tool of present day world to bloom the child into a lovely flower.

At Arden, we focus on creating an environment where teachers are empowered to deliver in their best possible manners with the talent of academic as well as life skills to shape human and ethical personalities and orient them in the best possible manner for their life. They are made ready to meet different challenges of life and develop leadership and a strong sense of creativity to make a difference amongst the others.

3. If we need to create a world of empathy, love, kindness then we need to allow children to imagine, dream and creatively think in their own individually customised manner as per their age as all children are born talented but as we grow old, we tend to forget things by our own imposed system. A balance between this is must in order to understand the true essence of getting educated.

The School is set to develop a strong sense of ethical and moral values on humanitarian grounds to understand the feelings and have empathy with the social masses as well as to develop real life virtues in all students.

We also focus on cultivating in them the love and respect for their ethnic and cultural values. But at the same time, they are made swift enough to run at par with the pace of fast moving world. Our aim is to make the child a global citizen but keeping intact the feeling of nation first.

Why Choose Our School?

Highly Skilled and Dedicated Faculty, Individual Attention to Each Child, Best Facilities, Modern Teaching Methodologies, Environment Friendly Measures.

Scholarship Facility

As a part of its CSR Programs, our School offers various kinds of scholarships and financial aids to meritorious and needy students.

Skilled Lecturers

We offer services of highly qualified & dedicated team of teachers, always willing to support our students academically and emotionally.

Book Library & Store

Our school has a well-stocked library with a rich collection of Books, Magazines and Periodicals.









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